Wednesday, June 17, 2009

to everyone....


I am very happy because the PBL session have done yesterday but i also feel unhappy after know that yesterday is our last day.Many things that i learnt in this course and i feel enjoy during the class especialy in PBL session.hehehe..I also want to apologize if i have done something that can hurt all of you..hehe..i want to say thank you to all of you even though we have not know to each other very well.hohoho.Lastly,i hope we can still keep in touch in this blog because i think this is the media that we can continue our mission to improve our english.Good luck to all of you in the final exam.


mawaddah said...

erm i aggree with u...we can still post comment and communication in this blog..
ok god luck to hasni and try the best in exam.^_^.

iemahaz said...

Hye...i'm agree with u too...hehe
thank you for your correction..k gud luck husni...have a nice day..:)

NorHidAyAh hAMsAh (AleyA_QisTinA87) said...

sad??hehehe...yahhhhh.....friends 4 ever....dont be sad mr husni...hehehehe

NorHidAyAh hAMsAh (AleyA_QisTinA87) said...
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NorHidAyAh hAMsAh (AleyA_QisTinA87) said...
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wan said...

i forgive you,
and i also want to say sorry to all members in this class including our teachers for all mistakes i have done.

and here...erk,i want correct something..(mawaddah) wrong spelling "husni" not "hasni"(our madam)...